Friday, December 09, 2005

Minnesota: He Got Outta Town Pretty Fast, Though, Didn't He?

Hey, GOP candidate Mark Kennedy finally made the national Associated Press wire:

"Minn. Candidate Gets Money Boost From Bush"

Here are some highlights:

"...Bush spoke at a fundraiser expected to net $1 million for Rep. Mark Kennedy (news, bio, voting record), the presumptive Republican nominee for the state's open Senate seat, and the state GOP.

The event was a delicate balancing act for Kennedy — who needs Bush's fundraising muscle to keep his war chest growing but also has been making some effort to distance himself from a president who has been down in the polls."

"(Minnesota Democrats point to) a record that shows Kennedy has voted with the White House 97 percent of the time..."

"...(The Democrats)welcomed Bush's arrival in Minnesota, hoping that his low approval ratings would be radioactive for any Republican aligned with a president they see as weakened by the war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, and GOP ethics investigations.

"...White House officials scoffed at that, pointing to Bush's ability to pull in $1 million for Kennedy and the state GOP — a record for Minnesota — as proof that no one was running from the president."

No, that's just proof that no one in the GOP runs from one million dollars.

"But other top Republicans attending the $1,000-a-plate luncheon at the Minneapolis Hilton have also been separating themselves from Bush.

Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., also voted against Arctic drilling and said "it's legitimate to criticize" the administration for "the lack of communication" in explaining what's happening in Iraq. (Note: This, coming from the guy who was Bush's Minnesota re-election campaign chairman.) Rep. Gil Gutknecht, R-Minn., has faulted the president for not doing enough to trim the deficit."

Not doing enough to trim the deficit? Bit of an understatement there, Gil! Bush has been spending our tax money like a goddam madman for the last five years. Voters will be taxed to pay back the money he's borrowing now--for the next two presidencies. Not counting the billions he's borrowing in your name--from Red China!

This is conservatism?

For more on the delicate feelings the Minnesota GOP has for George W. Bush, see this.

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    At 1:19 PM, Blogger Prendergast said...

    She wasn't mentioned in the article, but that doesn't mean she wasn't there.


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