Saturday, June 24, 2006

Survey: Bush Not That Upset, Really

A headline announced that President Bush was upset about a report that U.S. Marines allegedly killed two dozen Iraqi civilians in an unprovoked attack last November. An opinion poll conducted by the Stillwater Tribune asked citizens exactly how upset they thought Bush was by this untoward incident.

Twelve per cent of poll respondents answered that Bush and American conservatives care as much about the unprovoked massacre of a bunch of Iraqi civilians as they do about the sky-rocketing price of a gallon of gas.

An astonishing eighty-eight per cent of those surveyed believe that Bush was less upset about the alleged murders than he was about a possible delay in the release of the “Complete Season One of the Flintstones” on DVD.

To participate in our latest poll, see the box below and to the right on this web page.

ATTENTION: My old pal Donj (pronounced “don-jay”), whom I haven’t seen in fifteen years, is writing in to this blog but refuses to give me his contact information, despite my repeated pleas. If anyone knows where Donj is, please tell him. Then instruct him to go to the nearest police station and get in touch with me. Thank you.


At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. p at the risk of being verbose which you have a propensity to be i shall conform with your request but first i am faced with a conundrum if you are a self professed genius and wil e coyote is a super genius where does that leave you on the evolutionary chain donj

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

willard, there is a fine line between genius and insanity and i believed you have crossed that line never to return. contact point as per your request phila inquirer 6-21-06 sec.e page 2 you know the's been both a pleasure and a treasure to have known you or so you have told me godspeed my friend if i don't see you is this life perhaps the next. you inevitably on the way down me on the way up; via con dios armond spiotto

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Prendergast said...

Well, I see you have been spitting out your medications again. I will rendezvous at the contact point, though I bet when I get there I will only find last week's "Dilbert". "Vaya Con Dios"? Do you mean that Armand's dead? My God, let's get this straight.

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no not that i know of even if he was it would take him a couple of years to figure it out

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Prendergast said...

No, I checked--he's not dead--he was in a band called Spiderbaby with bro Tony back in the 90s. Now Tony is in a band called Punchbox, but as for Mondo... Anyway, I went to the Philly Inquirer web page, and they wouldn't let me go to Section E, or any section. So send me whatever it is you're talking about, paste it here. Or were you just pulling my leg? That would be real funny, and so unlike you.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Prendergast said...

donj--i got your phone message. you told me to give you a call back--but you did not leave a phone number. What is THAT all about? What exactly was the point of THAT phone message? What do you think I'm running, the f-ing Psychic hotline, here? I will try to find you again.

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mission accomplished hasta la vista


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